Own Your Health

Monthly Highlight


Special Announcement:

Caleb will be providing an “Introduction to FDM” at Empire Therapy (near Sacred Heart) from 12:30-2:00 on July 11th. The owners of Empire Therapy are the experts teaching Caleb about Reflex Integration, so this would be a great opportunity to meet them. It is also an excellent way for you or your friends/family members who are curious about FDM to learn more.


  • Primitive Reflex Integration: Tuesday, July 11th Empire Therapy is hosting Caleb Dotson for an introduction to the Fascial Distortion Model (FDM). This event is open to the public.

  • Scheduling: Thanks to the fantastic word of mouth referrals people like you have provided, scheduling is beginning to be more difficult. For those of you with limited availability, it would be good to schedule a few weeks in advance.

Our plan is to use this page to highlight a monthly blog post, provide free resources, notifications of upcoming workshops, and anything else that will help you own your health.