Own Your Health Physiotherapy

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Oil Change Needed

Have you ever had someone ask when your pain began… and had no idea?  You know, the pain that has kinda-sorta been bothering you for months… or even years?

A lot of people have – and this makes sense.  Most people are too busy living life to let a nagging pain get in the way… that is – until they can’t anymore.

Pain is our body’s way of saying something isn’t right and while some pain can safely be ignored, recurring or persisting pain should be addressed sooner rather than later. It’s kind of like the change oil light on my car. When the light comes on, I don’t pull over and call up a tow truck. That said, if I continue to ignore it for too long, I will need a mechanic.

Our bodies are similar.  When something needs changed, be it posture, movement patterns, or muscle balance, pain tends to be one of the early warning signs. We can set aside time to fix the problem and ‘change the oil’ or we can wait until a mechanic is needed. Based on our competence, how much of a nuisance we are willing to put up with, and the quality of product we desire, an oil change can cost anywhere from a few bucks to a couple hundred. If we wait until a mechanic is needed, the cost will be much, much more.

If you have recurring or nagging pain, please don’t wait until you need a surgeon. Give us a call and we’ll help point you in the right direction, even if that means sending you to someone else.


(509) 350-2506