Fascial Distortion Model
FREE Workshop
What is the Fascial Distortion Model?
The Fascial Distortion Model (FDM) is a diagnosis and treatment paradigm for providing pain relief and restored movement. It serves as a framework for quickly and accurately identifying and treating common musculoskeletal issues, which it sees as arising from specific “distortions” of the body’s connective tissue, also called fascia. Such fascial distortions are often the cause of pain or movement problems that do not respond to more traditional treatments.
What should I expect from this workshop?
This workshop is a very brief introduction to the Fascial Distortion Model (FDM). It is intended to introduce people to key concepts within the FDM framework. These key concepts include how FDM can be used by various professions within healthcare to reduce cost and improve effectiveness of diagnosing and effectively treating pain and movement conditions, especially those that do not respond to traditional treatments.
This hands-on and interactive workshop will also introduce attendees to the six types of fascial distortions. These introductions will include how different distortions are experienced, communicated, and how they can be effectively treated. However, this workshop is not intended to provide attendees with the training necessary to safely treat people likely suffering from fascial distortions.
Should an attendee be interested in gaining this training, they are encouraged to attend an official American Fascial Distortion Model Association (AFDMA) class (see link below for AFDMA website).
Next Workshop:
Date: TBD
Time: TBD
Location: TBD
Disclaimer: Neither this workshop, nor the provided materials are intended to provide the skillset necessary for attendees, healthcare professionals or otherwise, to be able to safely apply FDM techniques to relieve pain or restore proper movement. Interested parties are encouraged to attend an official AFDMA class to obtain necessary training. For comparison, these workshops are usually 1.5-2 hours while AFDMA classes are accredited for 20-hours.